Part 1- Positive Coaches and Unique Abilities

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, a coach is defined to be an individual that teaches an amateur or professional athlete the skills they need to succeed at their sport. The industry is also expected to increase jobs between 2016-2026 by 13 percent.

Do you believe a coach should solely defined by ONLY teaching the skill of the sport?

Upon completing my Division I basketball career, I continue to have the honor of experiencing some version of sport and/or play but with young people. In those moments, I gather stillness to reflect on the sport and/or activity at play but mostly the significance of a coach.

About two weeks ago I visited a group of young ladies in the 4th or 5th grade. All yearlong this group prepares weekly for their annual 5K at school through running, the exploration of team and individual activities, confidence building, and goal-setting.  

On this particular day, the group ran a 5K for the first time, which is a 3.1-mile journey. I was paired with one of the young people for the practice run.  We ended up running five times around the school. At the end of each lap the young ladies received a token of encouragement that was used as body décor.  I must say the décor didn’t last too long in the New Orleans humidity; however it was a motivating factor because my running buddy completed her run first. Not to say the competition against her classmates was important. This was an exciting moment for her to complete her first 5K. 

I said to her, “You know you just completed your first 5K!”

She looked surprised and responded, “Really?” 

I said, “Yes! Someone ran the route in advance to measure the distance for your practice.” 

She had a very displeased look on her face and said, “I still don’t think I did well. I ran some and walked some.” 

I responded, “You did great and will be great for the race in two weeks.”

She said, “We’ll see.” 

We walked over to cool down and wait for the other young ladies.

It was in that moment she reminded me of little Tiffany. Lack of confidence in my abilities, highly competitive with the task or assignment, and most importantly just a talented human. However, with the guidance and support of her coaches she completed a 5K for the FIRST TIME! Although she seemed hesitant to afford herself credibility, she assumed it during the reflection activity with her coaches and classmates after the run. Not only was this run a new endeavor through sport; it was a moment to learn many other personal skillsets such as self-awareness, communication, trust.

Recently, this young lady completed her run with grace and was elated with joy after running through the finish line. Her talent and determination along with belief, consistency and support of her coach propelled her to be great. This accomplishment will build upon a lifetime of opportunities and resiliency, especially during those challenging moments combined with doubts about self. 

As I continue to reflect in this moment, I will share with you the significance of the many coaches in my lifetime and how we’ve developed longstanding relationships and memories.

For now, I am forever grateful for these experiences, especially through sport alongside supportive coaches.